Wednesday, September 19, 2012

10 Years Later


                        September 11, 2001 was a disaster. Many Americans were killed that day. Many Americans watched in terror as suicide bombers struck in revenge. 9-11 was not only horrific but also memorable. The author of this catoon Kirk Walters is asking America not to forget this tragedy and to educate their children in understanding the significance of 9-11. In this cartton a child is asking what life was like  before 9-11 and the old man does not remember and he is wearing a forgetful expression on his face, but he is wearing a shirt that says "Never Forget." I agree that 9-11 was a tragedy and we should always remember what happened on that unfortunate event. I disagree that 9-11 is starting to be forgotten because every year on 9-11 we have silence to remember those who have died, but it is slowly fading. This reminds me of people with Amnesia or Alzheimers beacause they slowly tend to forget pieces and then are forced to remember. I was in the second grade and really didn't grasp how dangerous it was to America. I do not understand how people could be so selfish and cruel. The attackers of 9-11 just wasted their lives to bring America closer.

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