Tuesday, November 20, 2012


                   To begin with the presidential debate is important to America. Obama is the present day president, while Pomney is a republican governor.The democrats and republicans, I feel, are not trying to change America, but only focused on beating the other party.
                   Firstly, Obama and Romney are in the run for president. They just bad mouth each other. They are tearing each other down, and to be honest they are only making themselves look bad. Romney and Obama are not fighting for the good of the common people they are just fighting to beat the other person.
                  Secondly, Obama and Romney are on two different levels. Obama is for Obama care, Romney is against. Romney wants to charge higher taxes. They are at war over being president. We have already had enough wars. This country does not need a president who is all about himself.
                  Lastly, the democrats and republicans need to find a common ground. If they were to get along, this country, as we know it would change for the better. America, then wouldn't be so self-centered. The people will choose a president who sounds good to them and who makes promises. What they do not know realize is some make promises they cannot keep. However; America needs a leader.
                  Although, they are in the run for president, Obama is already president of America. Romney and Obama are on two different levels and they need to find a common ground for themselves. A president is only in term for four years and at most can only serve for two terms making them president for eight years at the most.

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